Valentine's Day is Just Around the corner!

May 22, 2010

Official Image Now Available from Everybody Draw Muhammed Day on Facebook

This is an issue of free speech--not about hate.

Well, here is the link to the offical image from Everybody Draw Muhammed Day on 4/20/2010.  If you missed the debate, don't worry--you can still go and visit the site with over 108,500 members and climbing EVERY minute!

This is the ONLY place to grab a piece of digital history in hard copy form!

Here's an excerp from the group:
"NOTE TO THOSE WHO ARE OFFENDED: We are not hating on Muslims or the religion of Islam. We are simply strongly dissatisfied with the actions that certain groups (which happen to be Islamic) have taken. But if the same situation were happening with another religious group, or for that matter with a group that weren't religious at all, we would be equally indignant."

Want to go straight to the group?  Here's the link:!/group.php?gid=121507624529752&v=wall

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